Currently, the majority of the recommended guidelines for vaccinated adults have been lifted. We expect (and hope) this trend will continue thru the summer. Please check back closer to the event for updated information!
However, should changes occur in Maryland’s status, for the safety of all the attendees and Ramblewood staff, NiNPAH will follow the standard CDC, WHO, and the State of Maryland COVID-19 recommendations during the event.
Please bring your own mask and supplies if you deem them necessary.
We will update these precautions in keeping with the State of Maryland’s requirements/guidelines.
We all want to stay safe! Thank you for your understanding. Last updated July 15th, 2021
Condensed Rules:
Play nice, respect one another (see details below).
NiNPAH Rules:
This is an 18+ event.
You MUST be at least 18 years old and able to prove it.
You MUST have a government-issued photo I.D. (usually a driver’s license or passport) to enter the grounds.
If you are younger than 18 years old, you may NOT enter the grounds, but we look forward to your joining us when you reach 18.
Nearly everyone hates rules. We would like to have fewer rules, Camp Ramblewood is fully aware of the nature of NiNPAH and has always given groups like ours complete freedom. This freedom is what makes Ramblewood a great place for NiNPAH. We plan on protecting that freedom while keeping things safe. We want to leave Ramblewood knowing that we will be welcomed back for future events. The event rules are posted here to outline our expectations for attendees.
Eventbrite & Credit Card fees (if any) are extra, they are shown on the ticketing page and have been added to the totals shown.
We want to keep things open and transparent, so we’re all on the same page when we arrive at the event. We figure once you’re there, the less time you have to spend reading the rules, the more time you can be both in front and behind the lens having fun. If you have any questions after reading the Event Rules, contact us here.
Alcoholic beverages are NOT welcome. That means NO, beer, hard cider, wine, liquor, whisk(e)y, or distilled spirits.
Smoking is only allowed outside. You may NOT smoke in the cabins or other buildings.
Illegal drug use is not permitted. NiNPAH does not allow, support, or condone the use of any illegal substances at the event. As an organization, we renounce any and all use of illegal controlled substances and comply in entirety with the code of law on said matters.
Sexual Activities
No exchange of money, or anything else, for sexual activities is permitted.
Public and Private Officials and the Media
Law enforcement officers, investigators, journalists, and other members of the media are welcome to attend for their own personal pleasure only.
However, they are not permitted to enter for official, or government business, or other purposes, unless they have presented valid court orders. Media may NOT report our activities without our specific, written permission.
Ramblewood is private property, we have an assumption of privacy, which we INSIST that you observe.
We want what happens at Ramblewood (other than model pictures) to stay at Ramblewood.
You agree to sign a waiver at registration releasing NiNPAH, the organizers, & Ramblewood from liability and indemnifying and holding harmless NiNPAH, the organizers, & Camp Ramblewood.
Dogs, etc.
Dogs and other pets are NOT allowed*. If you show up with a dog, you will not be admitted into the event. You will NOT receive a refund.
*Service animals required by law are exempted. Make sure you have met ALL of the requirements.
Photographers, please take note of and carefully observe the following.
You may ONLY photograph the model(s) that you have signed up for and paid to photograph.
To eliminate any possible confusion or misunderstanding:
- Do NOT point a camera at any model unless you are paid up & currently scheduled, to photograph them.
- If you find it necessary to be in the same area, make sure that your camera is cased or the lens is capped. If that is not possible hang your camera with the lens pointing toward you or straight down.
- Do NOT stop to chat with (or even greet) other working photographers during their sessions. If it is urgent that you speak to one of the photographers ask them to step away from the group.
- Do NOT photograph any photographers or staff without their clear, explicit & revocable permission.
- It is very unlikely that a photographer will want you in the background of their pictures, please avoid being in the background. If it happens, move out immediately.
- Do NOT speak to, greet, or distract, the model(s) during a shoot.
- Immediately leave the area if requested to do so.
- Do NOT attempt to photograph the models during meals, don’t even ask. However, it is permissible to book models for future sessions.
- Never join a Shoot unless specifically asked to do so. Even if a Shoot looks spontaneous or chaotic, it may well not be. Don’t even ask.
As a general rule, NEVER photograph in the dining hall during meals. NEVER photograph in the dining hall while the kitchen staff is setting up or cleaning up. Generally speaking, do NOT hang out in the dining room except during meal times. (Note that the dining room will frequently be open for coffee & other beverages. Do NOT use ceramic or glass cups & glasses to carry out beverages.
If there are special circumstances warranting an exemption, please submit a written request to the person coordinating the event at least ten days in advance.
Photographers, Models, and others please take note of and carefully observe the following.
- Please be respectful of the facilities and do not cause undue breakage and/or destruction of property.
- Do not touch anyone in any way without express verbal permission. There is no room for implied consent
- Do not talk to or greet anyone while they are photographing or modeling. Please keep conversation, laughter, and comments to a minimum around all photography sessions.
- Maintain an appropriate distance from shoots. We expect others to walk past while we are shooting, but we do NOT want them to stop and gawk.
Do NOT do it! You may ONLY photograph the model(s) that you have signed up for and paid to photograph.
To eliminate any possible confusion or misunderstanding:
- Do NOT point a camera at any models unless you are paid up & currently scheduled, to photograph them.
- If you find it necessary to be in the same area, make sure that your camera is cased or the lens is capped. If that is not possible hang your camera with the lens pointing toward you or straight down.
- Do NOT photograph other photographers, artists, or staff without their clear, unequivocal, and revocable, permission.
- Make sure your background does NOT include photographers or others.
* ”Sniping” includes, but is not limited to, taking pictures from a distance without the knowledge & permission of the subject. It also includes all other kinds of surreptitious and candid image-making.
Hidden cameras, Drones & Kites,
The use of hidden cameras is PROHIBITED. Make sure your model knows exactly where the camera(s) are, and from where she or he is being photographed. This includes cameras “hidden in plain sight”.
Drones (and kites) may be used to photograph ONLY models that you are presently booked & paid to photograph with their permission and their prior knowledge that you are using a drone to photograph them. The “No-video, still photography only” rule applies to drones & kites as well.
Non-photographic drone & kite flights are strictly forbidden.
If there is a problem please report it IMMEDIATELY, do NOT wait, or delay. Any concerns should be raised with a Staff Member.
Please clean up after your shoot or other activity. Leave all equipment and grounds the way you found it, or better. Do not leave behind candy wrappers, bottles, cans, worn-out equipment, or anything else.
Fireplay is ONLY permitted in the fire pit by the pond and with prior approval from staff. The usual, and customary, rules for open fires & fire in general, apply and are incorporated by reference. (e.g. Campfire Safety)
Water Safety and Pool Safety
The usual, and customary, rules for water safety apply and are incorporated by reference. (e. g. Redcross Water Safety).
In particular, do NOT bring glass or ceramic containers into the pool area.
Members are strongly encouraged to post their images from group events in the relevant NiNPAH photo folders, or at NiNPAH Meetup Group and at NiNPAH Flickr Group
Needless to say, you should post only your own images for which you have valid model releases*. However, we also have a “Scatter Shot” folder where non-NiNPAH images may be posted. Again, post only your own images for which you have model releases.
Models may post images for self-promotion, at current or future events. Models usually have photographers’ permission to use the photographer’s images of the model for self-promotion but check with the photographer to be sure that is the case, and please supply the photographer’s name.
*Note that our broad commercial model release (included with all paid sessions) gives photographers permission to use the images almost any way they like. View the model release Here.
Photographers, we strongly suggest that you imprint “© [YOUR NAME]” on all images that you post.
Please remember that the group uses your posted images for promoting the group, our events, and the models.
Remember that every time one of your images is posted by the group it is also a promotion for you, but only if your name is on the picture, or you are otherwise identified as the photographer. We can only credit photographs that have the photographer’s name identified in the posting or on the photographs, the same goes for the model(s) in the photographs.
If you object to your images being used by the organizers for event promotion, we understand – just do not post them on the NiNPAH site, and they will not be used.
NiNPAH requires blanket permission (model releases) from all of the models to use their NiNPAH images in our promotional material for both this and future events.
Ramblewood & NiNPAH rules may on occasion conflict.
- If that happens, your activities must be within the bounds of both sets of rules.
- If you are unsure ask an event official to get clarification.
- Needless to say, the broader laws of society must also be observed.
None of the above applies to organizers or staff performing administrative functions, such as collecting money, coordinating meals, or coordinating transportation.
These rules are evolving, they will be updated as required.
– updated 06/05/2022